Anna Pia - Hypnotherapist
What made you decide to become a Hypnotherapist?
I’ve always been interested in human behavior. That’s why I was about to apply for a graduate program in psychology.
That was the plan, until one day, I met a Hypnotherapist at a party. I was fascinated to find out that the subconscious mind really runs the show.
It tends to store unwanted self-sabotaging patterns that tend to go against what we consciously want.
Those old negative patterns were my mind’s instinctive go tos.
At last, I understood what was going on.

Why hadn’t I heard about this before?
I researched hypnotherapy and decided that I wanted to support people in realizing their potential and their goals.
Along the way, I worked on my own issues. I could feel the difference in my own life. It worked!
I was certified in 1995
26 years later, I am just as committed to helping people.
Hypnotherapy changed my life. My goal is that it does the same for you.
Hypnotherapy – online – Hypnotherapist – Norcal
Can you please share what you yourself worked on?
I had a very challenging upbringing and by the time I graduated high school, I was insecure, lacked self-confidence, didn’t feel I had any value.
It wasn’t until my 20’s after graduating college, that I realized I needed to do something different. I had always been the one to listen to people’s issues and struggles. I am empathic by nature and a really good listener. It didn’t occur to me until my late 20’s, that these skills would be very useful as a profession and I could actually do what I love instead of working the day job (accounting) and then doing what I love.
I also had been struggling with numbness in my hands that prevented me from continuing to do my accounting job. In retrospect, I wonder if my body was giving me a message. Shortly thereafter was when I met that Hypnotherapist.
Tell us about your multiple other certifications:
I received extensive training and development in Landmark Worldwide education including the team management leadership program, communication distinction training, wisdom distinctions and Landmark forum. It’s widened my ability to better understand my clients and it’s given me a strong foundation for my Life Coaching.
Other trainings and certifications include: NLP Practitioner in 2019, EFT in 2020, Master Imagery in 2019.
I believe in being skilled in different modalities so I can better serve my clients.
By nature, I always want to grow, learn, and be the best version of myself I can be.
The more I trained myself the more I could assist others from an experiential place rather than just learning concepts and ideas.
My style and beliefs
Underlying everything all my actions, I believe everyone already has the resources they need to achieve their goals.
They have just forgotten that.
I don’t believe there is anything wrong with my clients.
There’s just what’s working and what isn’t.
What’s missing and what’s there to let go of, and what can we add.
I also hold the belief that my clients can succeed even if they don’t believe it initially.
I assist clients, in letting go of negative beliefs and creating new and more beneficial beliefs that empower and motivate clients to expand and grow into who they truly are and who they were meant to be.
I use humor and compassion in my sessions, as I believe humor allows one to become aware that some patterns just don’t work and it’s a lot easier to let those go when we bring humor and compassion to the table.
I only work with people who have a genuine desire to grow and willingness to do the homework.
I love seeing people expand themselves in ways they couldn’t even imagine.
It’s everyone’s birthright to be all of who they are.
Everyone is extraordinary.
I give my 100% and request my clients do the same.
I truly believe that combined life coaching & hypnotherapy really is the way to go.
How does your coaching add to your hypnotherapy sessions?
Coaching is the best way to continually grow and expand. Having a person who is your champion, believes in you, challenges your limiting beliefs, and uses various modalities to assist you in realizing your dreams and goals, is an effective way to move in a positive and beneficial way forward.
I truly believe that combined life coaching & hypnotherapy really is the way to go.
Topics I enjoy helping people:
There really isn’t any topic I don’t enjoy but I am definitely pulled to work with people who are looking to find their voice and their expression in the world. Probably because that was my journey as well.
I myself am a singer. Your talking to the 2019 west coast champion in acapaella quartet (Gotta Sing!). As a performer myself, I understand the experience of performers, so I definitely enjoy helping clients with boosting their performance abilities.
I also enjoy coaching business professionals. Having been an entrepreneur myself over the years with a Business College Degree myself, I enjoy assisting these professionals, in assisting them in achieving the next level of performance in their business.
I truly believe that combined life coaching & hypnotherapy really is the way to go.
Is there something else I want to share:
We are constantly limiting ourselves.
It’s time to realize that we are greater than we think we are and give ourselves permission to step into that greatness that is just waiting to be expressed.
Not in an egotistical way, but in a way where we can fully express our inner most passions.
Our human nature is to keep ourselves small.
We are not small!
We are capable, loveable, and have lots to contribute to the world around us.
It’s time Now.
Seize the moment.