Free Consultations Available: (844) 347-2742


Heal Yourself Therapy

Here is what you can expect during your 1st session:

In general:

  • Every step of the process, we will tell you what is about to happen.  You’ll be happy to know that there will never any surprises.
  • When we explain why this work is so powerful, it will all make sense to you and because of that you’ll be able to relax and go with the session.  We take great pride in that all of our clients understand the ins and outs of how our process works.  This makes it so that you all around have a great experience.
  • We’ve heard everything before, so feel free to spill the beans and tells us what is going on and how you want to be.  The more we stay true to you, the better the results.
  • We treat you with the same level of care and attention that we would use with our own precious family members.  Anna Pia and I are by nature both nurturers.  You couldn’t be in better hands.

When you come in, we will do the following:

  1. Go over the current situation and goal objectives.  There’s always a certain amount of coaching when we do this.  We want to make sure you’re on the right track.
  2. Together, we create a list of suggestions (commands, kind of like affirmations) that are going to tell your mind how you want to think, feel and behave
  3. Anna Pia or I explain the mechanics of how this process works.
  4. You sign the consent form
  5. We put you in a relaxed state.
  6. Anna Pia or I give you the suggestions that we came up with
  7. We record the actual session for you so that you can listen to it at home.

After the first session:

It’s wise to chill out for the following hour.  Your mind is still semi-open so it’s important to make sure that any conversations that you have are positive.  We even suggest that you only listen to uplifting music.  And if you wanted to, you could relax at home, close your eyes and give yourself more positive suggestions.

In the past, we’ve had people tell us that right after their session, they went to the beach, closed their eyes and allowed themselves to experience a really peaceful state.  You get the point.

We highly suggest that you come in for your follow-up session.  Even if you are already feeling amazing, we still need to reinforce.  Consistency is key when it comes to you reaching your goals.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask us.

All hypnosis sessions can be customized to your needs. Click the BOOK NOW button to make your appointment and be sure to sign up for Sasha’s newsletter as she is about to release numerous Coaching & Hypnosis Programs.