Imagine if. . .
- You feel confident and self-assured on any date. . . and because of that, women find you more attractive.
- You feel intrinsically more than good enough. Now, it’s easy to be you.
- Your self-talk is positive, supportive and uplifting. Because of this, you now feel inner peace and excitement for your future.
- You feel comfortable and at ease in any social setting, including new ones. Now, you are able to own any room that you walk into.

Why Choose Hypnotherapy for Dating Confidence?
Because what you’ve just imagined can become your reality. It can be a game-changer for your love life, to where dating becomes something fun and positive. A study done by multiple universities in a variety of different countries (N.P. Li 2020) found that when a man’s confidence increases, he is perceived by women to be higher in social confidence, status and dominance. The study showed how changing one’s social confidence can lead to direct positive social outcomes.
Other studies have shown that having a high self-confidence can predict romantic desirability, reduce the potential of rivals and increase the chances of success in relationships.
Signs of Having a Low Self-confidence in Dating Can Include:
- Shyness
- Visible uneasiness, nervousness and anxiety
- Anticipating that you aren’t going to be liked or thought of as good enough
- Feeling emotionally unstable
- Lying
- Clinginess or distancing yourself
- Having a general negative attitude
- Jealousy
- Having fluctuating opinions
- Getting easily offended

How can Hypnotherapy Increase my Dating Confidence?
It’s quite simple. We need to reprogram your mind so that you stop functioning from a place of limiting beliefs. It’s those limiting beliefs that are holding you back.
Maybe you’ve been dwelling on past negative experiences or you were bullied as a kid and made feel like a loser or had parents that were horribly critical of you. Whatever it was, it’s learned behavior that is holding you back. Because you didn’t know any better, you’ve probably been thinking that this way of being is a part of who you are, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. That’s actually part of the limiting beliefs that have been holding you back.
I would dare say that the biggest obstacle to love in most people’s cases is that of having such low-self confidence and self-worth, that they inadvertently sabotage themselves.
That’s why it’s time to heal all the stuff that’s been holding you back so that you can free yourself and be your best version of yourself.
By working on your mindset and eliminating self-doubt, you can open yourself to new possibilities and opportunities to love.
While you can’t control when and where love will find you, you can control your mindset and attitude towards dating. That alone will make a huge difference in how you experience dating. You can go from feeling nervous to fully enjoying the experience and being that person that a person looks forward to seeing again.
By building confidence and self-esteem, you’ll be more attractive to potential partners and more likely to find long-lasting love. So, if you’re looking for a way to boost your dating confidence, then our hypnotherapy is what you want. We’ve been in the business of taking control of their lives and doing such things as opening themselves to love for over 15 years.
With over 16 years of experience, we’ve helped thousands of people just like you to gain confidence and love.
Through hypnosis in the form of hypnotherapy, we can help you overcome limiting beliefs and blocks, be your best version of yourself and open the door to love, laughter and companionship.
We offer in-person sessions in our Los Angeles and Northern California offices, as well as online sessions. Both are equally effective. Many of our clients are all over the world.
What is hypnotherapy like?
The experience is a very relaxing one. In fact, our hypnotherapy has been likened to a mental massage.
Every part of the process will be explained to you every step of the way so that you feel safe and relax completely.
How many sessions will I need?
For most topics, it’s a good thing to have in mind at least a few sessions. People usually reach their goals in just a few sessions. If you then decide that you would like to work on something else, we can help with that too.
Many of our past clients continue to be our clients because we’ve helped them throughout the years with anything that life has thrown at them.