Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy
Is there something that you went through in a previous life that has carried into this one?
I’ve done many past life regressions, but this particular story always comes to mind…
About a year ago, I did a past life regression for a man who said that he felt that there was something that was always holding him back. He said that he always felt as though obstacles abounded in his life and, though he himself was a practitioner of meditation, the answer to his riddle never seemed to come to him. In desperation, he came to me.
My goal during our hypnosis session was to find and resolve whatever was holding him “trapped,” as he put it, so that he could successfully do all the things that were going to bring him happiness.

During our past life hypnosis session, my client saw that in a previous life, he had been a slave who worked very hard labor, and that in that life he had suffered from hunger, thirst, and exhaustion. His life had been one of constraints and limitations, as he could easily have been beaten or killed for no reason.
In cases like this, I did what I always do: I helped him find the lesson that he could learn from having lived that lifetime, and I helped him let go of any constraints, obstacles, and limits that had been holding him back in this life. After using a few techniques that gave him a renewed feeling of knowing that he could succeed, I brought him back to full room awareness. At last, he had been able to let go of what had been blocking him on so many different levels.
Did my client really live a previous life as a slave or was it a mental metaphor? How do you know if a past life has really occurred? The truth is that unless the person gives verifiable information, there is no way of knowing. Either way, past life regressions can be highly beneficial, because they allow you to finish processing feelings that might be holding you back. Once your mind has done so, it is able to let them go, so that I can help you replace them with feelings of self confidence, strength, and limitless potential.
With over 16 years of experience, we’ve helped thousands of people just like you to gain confidence and love.
Through hypnosis in the form of hypnotherapy, we can help you overcome limiting beliefs and blocks, be your best version of yourself and open the door to love, laughter and companionship.
We offer in-person sessions in our Los Angeles and Northern California offices, as well as online sessions. Both are equally effective. Many of our clients are all over the world.
What is hypnotherapy like?
The experience is a very relaxing one. In fact, our hypnotherapy has been likened to a mental massage.
Every part of the process will be explained to you every step of the way so that you feel safe and relax completely.
How many sessions will I need?
For most topics, it’s a good thing to have in mind at least a few sessions. People usually reach their goals in just a few sessions. If you then decide that you would like to work on something else, we can help with that too.
Many of our past clients continue to be our clients because we’ve helped them throughout the years with anything that life has thrown at them.