Free Consultations Available: (844) 347-2742


The goal of relationship counseling is ultimately to heal a relationship between two partners and chart a new path forward that is agreeable and comforting to both partners.

You may be having issues with your partner that you want to mend in order to grow closer to one another. You and your partner may feel it is best to end the relationship, but not know the best way to separate. Or perhaps you and your partner are unsure as to whether or not you should stay together. Relationship counseling at Heal Yourself can help you with all of this and more.


Central to our approach is helping you and your partner communicate effectively with each other, by understanding and speaking the other person’s language while also being heard and understood. The success or failure of every relationship is intimately tied to the quality of the communication, so our goal is to get you and your partner on the same page regardless of the content of the issues.

Relationship counseling creates a safe, open, unbiased place to discuss issues that, if handled solely by you and your partner, could easily lead to negative reactions, blame, and misunderstanding. Our goal is to ensure that you feel heard, that your issues and concerns are addressed, and that you and your partner begin seeing different results in your relationship.

As mediators, we allow you and your partner to express opinions without taking sides. Our goal is to understand both of you and help you understand each other.

Regardless of the circumstances of your relationship, couples therapy provides you and your partner with the care and structure you need to achieve your relationship goals.

We create a safe, impartial, and productive setting for both of you. In doing so, therapy becomes a secure diplomatic channel that is stable, reliable, and comfortable, to give you respite from the pain and volatility you and your partner may be experiencing.

As mediators, we allow you and your partner to express opinions without taking sides. Our goal is to understand both of you and help you understand each other.

Regardless of the circumstances of your relationship, couples therapy provides you and your partner with the care and structure you need to achieve your relationship goals.

We create a safe, impartial, and productive setting for both of you. In doing so, therapy becomes a secure diplomatic channel that is stable, reliable, and comfortable, to give you respite from the pain and volatility you and your partner may be experiencing.


Premarital Counseling


The goal of premarital counseling is for you and your partner to start your life together on the right foot, with a solid foundation of mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation.

Although counseling is an excellent idea at any stage of the relationship, couples seeking premarital counseling are in a unique position because the best time to work on your marriage is before you are in one. 

Our sessions will help you to identify where you and your partner share values, beliefs, and expectations, and where you differ. Our aim is to smooth out any discrepancies you and your partner have, so that you have a stronger understanding of one another, communicate calmly and effectively, and manage future conflicts smoothly.

Couples often report that the issues that were left unaddressed during the dating stage were exacerbated during the engagement and marriage phase. This means that the sooner you and your partner can build healthy relationship skills, the healthier and smoother your marriage will be.

Couples also often report that the first year of marriage can be particularly trying. This is another reason to seek premarital counseling; having helpful relationship habits from the very get go can make a world of a difference for your future.

Premarital counseling prepares you for the rest of your married life together.Premarital counseling is not only intended for couples who are experiencing issues, but also for couples who have a happy relationship already and would like to keep it that way. Just as we buy auto-insurance before we get into an accident, it is wise to work out the small kinks in your relationship before any larger issues arise.

Marriage Counseling


Marriage counseling provides a warm and supportive space in which you and your spouse cna navigate the challenges you are facing personally, in relation to one another, or in life in general.

We will assist you to detect the precise causes of the issues that are arising and, more importantly, nurture effective plans to overcome them. You can open up, express your innermost thoughts and feelings, and return to the kind, loving place that you both used to experience.

You know what it’s like to be in a healthy relationship. Our goal is to help you experience it once again.

It is widely reported that 50% of marriages end in divorce. While we believe there are good reasons to terminate a marriage, at Heal Yourself, our overall goal is to help you and your partner heal your marriage and grow closer together.

We are aware that marriage requires work. It requires sacrifice, introspection, and dedication. When you add on the daily stresses of children, career, finances, and other obligations, it is normal for partners to find that a strain has been placed on their marriage.

We are here to make your job easier, and to help you and your spouse navigate and carry out the 4 C’s: Commitment, Consistency, Cooperation, and Communication.

20 Reasons to Seek Relationship Counseling

  • Difficulty communicating
  • Growing apart over time
  • Disagreements over finances
  • Disagreements relating to children
  • Witholding of attention, affection, or sex
  • Infidelity and unfaithfulness
  • Betrayed or eroded trust
  • Resentments and grudges
  • Depression, anxiety, or other clinical disorders impacting the relationship
  • Addiction issues: Drugs, alcohol, pornography, etc. impacting the relationship
  • Disregard for the other’s wishes and desires
  • Disregard for health: “letting oneself go”
  • Friction with in-laws or family members
  • Religious differences
  • Codependency
  • Blending of families
  • Sexual issues or poor sex life
  • Large changes or transitions
  • Dishonesty or disrespect
  • Considering ending the relationship

If you are ready to improve your relationship, click below to book your first relationship counseling appointment.