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Stop Vaping: Break Free With Our Hypnotherapy

Are you tired of feeling trapped by vape addiction? Do you dream of quitting but fear the withdrawal, cravings, and struggles that come with it? You’ve probably already realized that even with an alternative like vaping, nicotine is still addicting. It still takes mind reprogramming to free yourself of it. 

What if you could quit for good, effortlessly, and without the constant battle against cravings?

At HEAL YOURSELF Therapy, we specialize in laser-focused hypnotherapy that addresses all of your concerns. These include working on ingrained habits and addressing the underlying emotional triggers that lead to reaching for the vape. We have the experience that it takes to help you quit easily.

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Examples of thought patterns trapping you:

    • “I can’t handle stress without vaping.”
    • “A few puffs won’t hurt.”
    • “At least it’s not as bad as cigarettes.”
    • “I’ve tried everything, nothing works for me.”
    • “I’m not strong enough to quit.”

These limiting beliefs can become obstacles to quitting. Hypnotherapy bypasses the conscious mind and directly addresses these subconscious patterns, rewiring your mind to overcome them.

Imagine life after quitting vaping:

    • Improved health: Increased lung capacity, reduced risk of heart disease and cancer, better sleep, and a boost in energy levels.
    • Restore your sense of taste and smell: Vaping can dull your senses of taste and smell. Find that the food you eat is more enjoyable and that you can fully experience your sense of smell.
    • Financial freedom: Save thousands of dollars annually previously spent on vape cartridges and devices.
    • Reduced Dependence: Quitting nicotine leads to more personal independence and autonomy. It can lead to a greater sense of freedom and personal control.
    • Increased self-assuredness: Knowing you conquered a challenging addiction can really boost your confindence and empower you in other areas of life.
    • Stronger relationships: Be fully present and engaged with loved ones without the distraction of vaping.
    • No More Environmental Impact: The waste from disposable e-cigarettes and vaping products contributes to environmental pollution. By quitting, you contribute to less waste and pollution, and promoting a healthier planet.
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Real-life success stories:

    • David, a busy executive, finally quit after feeling like he had no choice but keep vaping to deal with ongoing stress. He now boasts improved focus and productivity. He’s also realized that he doesn’t need anything to cope with whatever life throws his way.
    • Tricia, a young professional, had switched from cigarettes to vaping a few years older. She realized that she had only swamped crutches. She broke free from her vape addiction after doing our Vape Cessation Hypnotherapy. It boosted her self-confidence and made her see herself in a much more empowering light.

Our Vape Cessation Hypnotherapy approach offers:

    • High success rate: This isn’t our first rodeo. We have a track record of helping individuals achieve lasting results from all kinds of nicotine addiction, including vaping.
    • Experienced hypnotherapists: Our team is comprised of certified and highly experienced vaping cessation experts dedicated to your success.
    • Confidential and supportive environment: We provide a safe space for you to explore the underlying emotions that have been sabotaging you from quitting vaping.
    • Personalized sessions: We create a customized program tailored to your unique needs and eliminate the power of old triggers.

Trusted by celebrities and executives:

Our unique approach, taught by our founder Sasha Carrion, has attracted individuals who demand proven results and the highest level of expertise. They understand the value of investing in themselves and their health. When you work with us, you are getting access to the same life-changing techniques.

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The HEAL YOURSELF Vaping Cessation Program includes:

    • Your first session will be 80 minutes long. We will hypnotize and record the session for you.
    • Two get 2 consecutive days of mini phone sessions
    • On the 4th day, you will come in for a 60 minute session. We will hypnotize and record the session for you.

During this time period, you have phone/text access to your Hypnotherapist, should anything ever come up. You aren’t doing this by yourself. We are here for you.

Most people quit vaping within the time frame of this package. Some will quit in that very first session; others cut down considerably, and then quit altogether during the second session.

However you do it is fine — the most important thing is that you quit. Given that the average vaper can spend a significant amount on vaping products annually, transitioning to a vaping cessation program also represents a substantial financial advantage.

Working with one of our team members is $1,000.  It’s worth every penny. You are the best investment you will ever make.

Ready to take control and become vape-free?

Sign up for our Vape Cessation Hypnotherapy program. Don’t wait any longer. Invest in your health and freedom. Together, let's unlock the door to a healthier, happier, and vape-free future.


With over 16 years of experience, we’ve helped thousands of people just like you to gain confidence and love.  

Through hypnosis in the form of hypnotherapy, we can help you overcome limiting beliefs and blocks, be your best version of yourself and open the door to love, laughter and companionship.  

We offer in-person sessions in our Los Angeles and Northern California offices, as well as online sessions.  Both are equally effective.  Many of our clients are all over the world.

What is hypnotherapy like?

The experience is a very relaxing one.  In fact, our hypnotherapy has been likened to a mental massage.  

Every part of the process will be explained to you every step of the way so that you feel safe and relax completely.

How many sessions will I need?

For most topics, it’s a good thing to have in mind at least a few sessions.  People usually reach their goals in just a few sessions.  If you then decide that you would like to work on something else, we can help with that too.  

Many of our past clients continue to be our clients because we’ve helped them throughout the years with anything that life has thrown at them.